Key to Species Text

Unless otherwise indicated the information given applies to modern records and reflects the current position.

Bradley & Fletcher categorisation, now supeceded by the UK List as per Agassiz, Beaven & Heckford

UK list of lepidoptera authoured by Agassiz, Beaven & Heckford

Defined using one of these four self explanatary terms: Resident, Migrant, Vagrant or Accidental.
Unknown: Status currently unclear, usually due to lack of modern records

Distribution and Abundance:
Resident status is categorised as follows:
Common: To be found wherever its food plant occurs plentifully and usually seen in good numbers annually.
Local: With a distribution more restricted than that of its food plant, or occurring on a localised food plant.
Scarce: Few modern records.
Rare: Very few modern records.

Migrant, Vagrant or Accidental status is categorised as follows:
Common: Seen annually, sometimes in good numbers.
Irregular: Seen less frequently and not every year.
Scarce: Few modern records.
Rare: Very few modern records.

Primary Habitat:
Where the moth is most numerous, or for less well recorded species where it has occurred the most.

Flight period:
Number of annual broods and months when it is mainly seen on the wing.

Localities and Records:
Up to four recent localities are specified for local species.
Full records to a maximum of four are referenced for scarce and rare species.

General observations, notes and information. Includes information on natural variation, melanism, forms, or other relevant information.

Confusion Species:

Similar species, or groups of species, which can cause confusion in identification. Note that some moths require detailed examination (often using microsciopical techniques) to be sure of identification.

The Lepidoptera of Northamptonshire, by Eustace F. Wallis published in instalments between 1908 and 1912 by the Northamptonshire Natural History Society. Primarily based on records from the first decade of the 20th century and providing a good picture of the lepidoptera in the county at that time.

First record: 
Date and recorder of the first county record. Where material, known localities are quoted. 
RIS = Rothamstead Insect Survey
KDNHS = Kettering & District Natural History Society