B&F: 0373
ABH: 52.013
Status: Resident.
and Abundance: Local.
Primary Habitat: Gardens.
Flight Period: Single
brooded in June and July.
Localities: Daventry,
Brixworth, Kettering and Eye.
Observations: An under
recorded species which due to its cryptic fly like appearance is easily
overlooked. The records that I hold are from gardens and allotments
and it is likely to be present in any old stands of currant and gooseberry
in similar places throughout the county. I was unaware of the small
established colony in my own town garden for a number of years. Eight
examples of the moth were attracted to pheromone lure at Brixworth
allotments on 14 June 2004.
Attracted to artificial lure TIP
- best time 2pm to 6pm
L.O.N.: Undated.
Very common in some old gardens.
First Record: 1882, Hull &