B&F: 0374
ABH: 52.012
Status: Resident.
Distribution and Abundance: Local.
Primary Habitat: Woodland.
Flight Period: Single
brooded from June into August.
Localities: Hazelborough
Forest, Yardley Chase, Thrapston and Geddington
Observations: The Yardley Chase
and Thrapston records are of moths attracted to pheromone lures. Females have a bright yellow anal tuft (depicted in lower photo opposite) and can sometimes be seen nectaring by day. The
caterpillars are easily found under the bark of recently felled oak
stumps in the spring. The species is under recorded and is probably
well distributed in suitable places throughout the county.
Attracted to artificial lure VES,
VES+HYL, VES+TAB - best time 2pm to 7pm
L.O.N.: Unrecorded.
First Record: 1882,
Hull & Tomalin.