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Coleophora siccifolia  

B&F: 0501

ABH: 37.013

Status:  Resident

Distribution/Abundance:  Rare

Primary Habitat:  Woodland, Hedgerows

Wingspan:  12-14mm

Flight Period:  May - June

Observations:  Case-bearing larvae feed on a variety of plants, including Hawthorn, Birch, Apple, Rowan, possibly Alder, Hornbeam and Lime. Despite this array of possible foodplants there are very few VC32 records. Listed as Nationally Scarce in the UK.

Confusion Species:  Most members of the Coleophoridae family are notoriously difficult to positively identify as adults unless the recorder is particularly skilled. Best identified either from the larval case/foodplant, or by examination of adult genitalia.

L.O.N.:  N/A

First Record:  1995, Manning