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Coleophora betulella  

B&F: 0536

ABH: 37.053

Status:  Resident

Distribution/Abundance:  Rare

Primary Habitat:  Woodland

Wingspan:  10-15mm

Flight Period:  July - August

Observations:  Case-bearing larvae feed on Birch.

Confusion Species:  Most members of the Coleophoridae family are notoriously difficult to positively identify as adults unless the recorder is particularly skilled. Best identified either from the larval case/foodplant, or by examination of adult genitalia.

L.O.N.:  Glendon, 12.viii.1908 (requires confirmation). NB: this entry was listed as C. ibipenella, but it is worth noting that C. ibipenella & C. betulella were believed to be conspecific and so the history of both species can be confusing.

First Record:  1908, Wallis.