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Tomato Leaf-miner Tuta absoluta  
  B&F: 0825a

ABH: 35.127

Status:  Resident

Distribution/Abundance:  Rare/Adventive

Primary Habitat:  Gardens, allotments

Wingspan:  10mm

Flight Period:  June - July

Observations:  This species was first discovered in the UK in produce purchased in Cheltenham in 2009. It has since been recorded in scattered locations around England and Wales; recorded in neighbouring Bedfordshire in 2017. As its vernacular name indicates, the larvae mine the leaves of tomato plants, forming quite an obvious pale blotch. However, larvae can also be found within the stalks and fruits themselves. Adults will attend light traps but must be subject to dissection to confirm identification, but further records may be best gleaned from inspection of tomato plants in your care.

Confusion Species: Scrobipalpa species

L.O.N.:  N/A

First Record:  2019, Hammond