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Pine Tortrix Archips oporana  
  B&F: 0976

ABH: 49.011

Status:  Resident

Distribution/Abundance:  Rare

Primary Habitat:  Coniferous Woodland

Wingspan:  19-28mm

Flight Period:  June - July

Observations:  Formerly quite rare in the UK but looks to be expanding its range. Adults fly in the afternoons and into dusk; occasional to light. Larvae feed within spun needles of Scots Pine, Silver Fir, White Spruce and Juniper (occasionally Larch), initially on new shoots, but also bores into the stems. Further records might be had by tapping the branches of suitable trees earleir in the day, in order to disturb the adults from rest.

Confusion Species: 

L.O.N.:  N/A.

First Record:  2021, Newman