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Epinotia pygmaeana  
  B&F: 1130

ABH: 49.246

Status:  Resident

Distribution/Abundance:  Rare (possibly under-recorded)

Primary Habitat:  Woodland

Wingspan:  12-14mm

Flight Period:  April - June

Observations:  Larvae feed on the needles of various coniferous trees such as Silver Fir and Spruces. Adult males in particular have a relatively short flight in the middle of the day, possibly explaining the paucity of records, as there are very few records at light. This species has been noted to be attracted to the EMP pheromone lure on The Continent and a single adult was apparently assembled to the lure in a Spruce plantation near Kettering in 2021 to support that finding. It may be worth trying this lure, and maybe others (e.g. FUN, MOL, SKI, etc) in suitable habitat to see if the moth is actually more widespread that thought. Further records might also be obtained by beating foliage during the day.

Confusion Species:  E. subsequana

L.O.N.:  Geddington Chase, Brampton Wood, Farming Wood. Not uncommon but easily overlooked as it does not fly readily.

First Record:  1907, Wallis