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Crocidosema plebejana  
  B&F: 1157

ABH: 49.261

Status:  Probable migrant

Distribution/Abundance:  Rare

Primary Habitat:  Wasteground, Gardens

Wingspan:  12-16mm

Flight Period:  July - November

Observations:  Larvae feed within the seed capsules and shoots of Tree Mallow (Lavatera arborea). There is no entry for this plant species in "The Flora of Northamptonshire & The Soke of Peterborough" (Gent & Wilson; 2012) and so I assume as the foodplant is unlikely to be present in VC32 all records of this moth would thus be of migrant individuals or adventives. The species is a relatively recent colonists, having established itself on the south coast of Britain.

Confusion Species: 

L.O.N.:  N/A

First Record:  1999, Horsnail