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Cherry-bark Moth Enarmonia formosana  
  B&F: 1216

ABH: 49.200

Status:  Resident

Distribution/Abundance:  Local

Primary Habitat:  Gardens, Orchards, Parkland

Wingspan:  15-19mm

Flight Period:  June - August

Observations:  Larvae, as the name suggests, feed within the bark of various trees including Ornamental Cherry, Wild Cherry, Plum, Cherry Laurel and Crab-apple. Adults tend to fly on sunny afternoons and into the evening, but do occasionally come to light. This may exoplain the lack of records in the county as elsewhere it is quite well distributed.

Confusion Species:  Grapholita lobarzewskii, Gypsonoma minutana

L.O.N.:  VCH

First Record:  1902, Wallis