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Dichrorampha flavidorsana  
  B&F: 1275

ABH: 49.319

Status:  Resident

Distribution/Abundance:  Rare

Primary Habitat:  Wasteground, Grassland

Wingspan:  13-15mm

Flight Period:  June - July

Observations:  Larvae feed on the roots of Tansy. Adults may be seen on sunny afternoons and on to dusk flying around the foodplant, but will come to light. The 1910 record is appears in Moths and Butterflies of Great Britain & Ireland and the source (Emmet's notes) just states that it is in VC32 with no locating details.

Confusion Species:  Esp D. alpinana. Depending on wear on the individual, potential confusion with several other Dichrorampha species is possible and dissection is preferred to establish ID.

L.O.N.:  N/A

First Record:  1910, Wallis