Home > Species list > Moths of Northamptonshire & The Soke of Peterborough
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Evergestis extimalis  
  B&F: 1357

ABH: 63.058

Status:  Unknown, possible migrant

Distribution/Abundance:  Rare - no modern records

Primary Habitat:  Chalky grassland

Wingspan:  25-31mm

Flight Period:  June - August

Observations:  The larvae feed on the seedheads of various Cruciferous plants. The only record of this speices in VC32 relates to one at the turn of the 20th Century, with very little in the way of detail. Distribution in the UK is mostly South-east and there is some evidence of migratory behaviour.

Confusion Species: 

L.O.N.:  VCH

First Record:  1902, VCH