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Etiella zinckenella  
  B&F: 1451a

ABH: 62.020

Status:  Unknown

Distribution/Abundance:  Rare migrant

Primary Habitat: General occurrence

Wingspan:  20-27mm

Flight Period:  April - October (in Europe)

Observations:  Predominantly a species of southern Europe, seen in Spain, Portugal, France, Italy, etc, tending to be found in dry, open habitats, and often in areas where legumes are cultivated (the larvae feed inside the developing seed pods of these plants). Considered to be migratory further north and East, including, occasionally, to mainland UK. It is also known as an adventive, being imported in the immature stages with food crop material. A single adult was recorded at Ring Haw on 27.x.2022, amid a period of considerable moth migration.

Confusion Species: N/A

L.O.N.:  N/A

First Record:  2022, Follows