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Thyme Plume Merrifieldia leucodactyla  
  B&F: 1510

ABH: 45.033

Status:  Resident

Distribution/Abundance:  Rare

Primary Habitat:  Calcareous grassland

Wingspan:  20-22mm

Flight Period:  June - August

Observations:  The species is confidently added to the county fauna based on two individuals taken at light at Swaddywell Pits (Waring, 18.vi.2017). There has been some confusion over the naming of this species in the past. Previously thought to be M. tridactyla, but discovered to be distinct from that species in the early 1990's and thus given M. leucodactyla. As a result, an earlier record of M. tridactyla has been included here, taken at Barnack Hills & Holes (1989). Larvae feed on Wild Thyme. Adults are attracted to light but are easily disturbed by day, and is a species well worth looking for in suitable habitat.

Confusion Species:  Care is required to differentiate between this and other Merrifieldia species, and thus ideally should be subject to dissection to be sure. M. tridactyla is currently only known from Cornwall and Ireland and thus can be readily discounted. However, M. baliodactylus often occupies similar habitats (larvae feed on Wild Marjoram) and therefore could also be present in the Vice County.

L.O.N.:  N/A

First Record:  1989, Gardiner