B&F: 1632
ABH: 66.002
Status: Resident.
and Abundance: Fairly common.
Habitat: Woodland.
Period: Single brooded in August and September.
Observations: My
own field records show that I have seen the moth in the
county in eight of the last ten years to 2009. It was
particularly common on 12 September 1987 at Geddington
Chase with fifteen recorded in four actinic light traps
left overnight. There is a record of a caterpillar being
taken on blackthorn in May 1958 at Salcey Forest, but I
have found it more readily on hawthorn sunning itself in
late spring.
L.O.N.: 1903.
Kettering, Wellingborough, Barnwell Wold. Not common.
Record: 1842, Clark.