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  Poplar Lutestring Tethea or  

B&F: 1655

ABH: 65.011

Status:  Resident.

Distribution and Abundance:  Local.

Primary Habitat:  Woodland.

Flight Period:  Single brooded in May, June and July.

Localities:  Hazelborough Forest, Salcey Forest, Geddington Chase and Grafton Park Wood.

Observations:  The moth was common at m.v. light under the large aspens at Brampton Wood in 1996. Although also recorded amongst poplars, it seems to be more plentiful in association with aspen.  The third and fourth images are thought to be of the uncommon variety ab. permarginata that was taken at m.v. light on 9 June 2005 at Yardley Chase.

L.O.N.:  1906. Yardley Chase, Mawsley Wood, Farming Woods. At treacle; not common.

First Record: 1889, Wallis.