B&F: 1793
ABH: 70.064
Status: Resident.
and Abundance: Rare.
Primary Habitat: Woodland.
Flight Period: Recorded
in July.
Record: 27
July 2008 Greatworth (T. Stokes).
Observations: The Greatworth
moth above was taken in a garden light trap. There are four
earlier records. Geddington Chase to 1907. Walliss unconfirmed
entry in L.O.N. appears to have been confirmed in 1907 as at Geddington
Chase by a manuscript entry in his unpublished notes. Weekley Hall
Wood to 1932, Kettering Natural History Society records. Barford Bridge
Kettering 27 July 1941. The locality for this record is given as,
Bridge Rockingham Rd. This venue crops up in the
records occasionally and I have been told that it refers to Barford
bridge. Apparently this was a regular but lengthy Sunday morning walk
for Arthur Cooper, who was in his late 70s at that time, and
on the way he would be looking for resting moths. In those days well
before the dangers posed by traffic on a busy road it would of course
have been possible to look closely at this bridge in safety. Lastly
Bedford Purlieus pre 1950. The locality for this record is taken from
a Peterborough Museum record card, the actual date and recorder are
not quoted.
Confusion Species: Sharp-angled
L.O.N.: Uncertain.
Requires confirmation.
First Record: 1907,