B&F: 1818
ABH: 70.170
Status: Unknown.
Distribution and Abundance: Rare
- no modern records.
Primary Habitat: Woodland.
Flight Period: Single
brooded in April and May.
Localities: Hazelborough
Wood, Salcey Forest and Yardley Chase.
Observations: Walliss
1906 record below was of a moth taken in Weekley Hall
Wood. Although the wood was well worked subsequently the
record was not updated. The moth used to be particularly
common at Salcey Forest which was a known locality for
the species for around half a century. It has however not
been seen in the forest for a number of years despite
specific attempts to find it. In view of its known
southern distribution in the county further colonies
could still be present in some of the less well worked
woodlands in south Northants.
L.O.N.: 1906.
Weedon, near Kettering. Not common.
First Record: 1906,