B&F: 1820
ABH: 70.174
Status: Resident.
Distribution and
Abundance: Scarce.
Primary Habitat: Hedgerows.
Flight Period: Single
brooded in May and June.
Records: 2001
Pitsford Water (P. Horsnail), 5 June 1986 Kettering (J.
Ward), 7 June 1997 Bedford Purlieus (P. Tuffs) and 10 May
2004 Ring Haw (R. Follows).
Observations: Although
the paucity of records for this species over the years
confirms its scarcity, it is sometimes more easily
obtained by beating mature hawthorns for the caterpillar.
This may be the way forward to increasing its known range
in the county.
L.O.N.: 1905.
Ashton village.
First Record: 1902,
Victoria County History.