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  Pimpinel Pug Eupithecia pimpinellata  

B&F: 1845

ABH: 70.165

Status: Resident.

Distribution and Abundance: Local.

Primary Habitat: Grassland.

Flight Period: Single brooded in June and July.

Localities: Greatworth, Kingsthorpe, Cottesbrooke Park and Collyweston Quarry.   

Observations: The only site where the moth has been recorded at all regularly is at Collyweston Quarry where it was seen in small numbers at light in the 1980’s and 1990’s. The species is almost certainly under recorded in the county due to its similar appearance to other pug species and could be looked for wherever its food plant, burnet-saxifrage, is well established. According to, “The Flora of Northamptonshire and the Soke of Peterborough,” by Gent, Wilson et al, although occasional in the county this plant is present in almost all 10 kilometre grid squares.

First Record: 1924, Cooper.