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  Golden-rod Pug Eupithecia virgaureata  

B&F: 1851

ABH: 70.161

Status: Resident.

Distribution and Abundance: Local.

Primary Habitat: Waste ground.

Flight Period: Double brooded in May and June and August.

Localities: Nene Park Campus, Sulby Gardens, Storefield Wood and Castor Hanglands.

Observations: In the late 1980’s and early 1990’s I used to readily find the second brood caterpillars of this species feeding on ragwort at Newton and Barford Meadows in September and October. As the species is probably under recorded in the county searching for the larva seems to be an effective way of increasing its known distribution.

Confusion Species:  Worn or melanic examples are difficult to distinguish from Grey Pug and dissection is required under these circumstances.

L.O.N.: 1907. Geddington Chase. Not common.

First Record: 1907, Wallis.