B&F: 1882
ABH: 70.199
Status: Resident.
Distribution and Abundance: Very local.
Primary Habitat: Woodland.
Flight Period: All
known records are in late June and July.
Localities: Castor
Hanglands, Helpston and Woodnewton.
Observations: The
Helpston records date from the 1980s and those from
Castor Hanglands from the early 1990s. R. E. M.
Pilcher writing in his unpublished paper, The
Lepidoptera of Castor Hanglands and Ailsworth Heath
1911-1960, has endorsed this species, Not
since last war. I have used this date as guidance
to the first record. On 26 June and 10 July
2010 two single moths were taken in actinic light traps
running in a Woodnewton garden.
First Record: Pre
1946, Pilcher.