B&F: 1885
ABH: 70.206
Status: Resident and suspected migrant.
Distribution and
Abundance: Very local.
Primary Habitat: Woodland.
Flight Period: Single
brooded in June and July.
Localities: Bedford
Purlieus, Castor Hanglands.
As a definite resident in more recent years only
recorded in the north of the county. The decline of
the English elm must have been partly responsible for its
loss from some former sites. The last Castor
Hanglands record was in 1989 and it has not been seen
there since despite much recording effort. Old
records suggest that Bedford Purlieus was always the best
site in the county for the moth. Although it was
last seen there in 1987, little recording has taken place
there since and the moth could well still be present.
Earlier localities include Salcey Forest in 1975 and
Grafton Park Wood in 1968. In 2002 a singleton was
recorded in Northampton and singletons were seen at
Pitsford Reservoir in 2002, 2003 and 2004. As the moth is
known to migrate, despite the repeated records, there is
still some doubt as to whether there is a resident colony
at Pitsford. A further singleton was recorded at Yardley
Chase in 2006. Once again this is presumed to be a
L.O.N.: 1906.
Mawsley Woods, Ashton, Yardley Chase, Weedon, Bedford
Purlieus. Locally fairly common.
First Record: 1882, Hull
& Tomalin.