B&F: 1911
ABH: 70.232
Status: Resident and possible migrant.
Distribution and
Abundance: Local.
Primary Habitat: Woodland.
Flight Period: Single
brooded in September and October.
Localities: Lower
Benefield, Ring Haw, Collyweston Great Wood and Castor
Observations: The
above localities are all post 1990 and apart from Castor
Hanglands are records of singletons. In the north-east of
the county where it appears to be spreading there are
additional single records from Warmington, Werrington and
Helpston. In 2003 singletons were taken on 23 August and
18 September in an m.v. garden light trap at Chelveston
where the moth has been recorded in small numbers in
subsequent years. At present Castor Hanglands is probably
still the best-known site for the species,
notwithstanding this the moth has been taken in a
Woodnewton garden at light for the three years to 2010.
Viz: - 2008 - 32, 2009 - 11 and 2010 - 1.
First Record: 1947,
Cransley Reservoir, Robinson.