B&F: 1915
ABH: 70.236
Status: Resident.
and Abundance: Local.
Primary Habitat: Woodland.
Flight Period: Single
brooded from July to October.
Localities: Salcey
Forest, Weldon Park, Brampton Wood and Harringworth Lake.
Observations: In my experience
the moth is only seen in very small numbers at m.v. light in the county.
The only time that I have seen it more plentifully was at actinic
light in the 1970s in Grafton Park Wood. My own field records
show that it has become noticeably less common over the past two decades.
Whereas I recorded it in small numbers in the county in most years
during the 1990s I have not seen it since. Pitsford Water light
trap records for the past decade shows only one moth being taken on
21 September 2006. This constituted a reserve record.
Confusion Species: August
L.O.N.: 1907.
Near Kettering, Northampton, Geddington Chase. Not
First Record: 1882,
Hull & Tomalin.