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  Scalloped Oak Crocallis elinguaria  

B&F: 1921

ABH: 70.241

Status: Resident.

Distribution and Abundance: Common.

Primary Habitat: General occurrence.

Flight Period: Single brooded in July and August.

Observations:  Data from the Pitsford Water static light traps for the years from 1999 - 2003 show the number of moths trapped as follows:- 1999 - 7, 2000 - 6, 2001 - 2, 2002 - 12 and 2003 - 24. Variation of the species in the county appears to be restricted to minor changes in ground colour. There seems to be an absence of unicolorous forms.

L.O.N.:  1907. Many localities. Often abundant.

First Record:  1882, Hull & Tomalin.