B&F: 1924
ABH: 70.230
Status: Unknown.
Distribution and Abundance: Rare
- no modern records
Primary Habitat: Woodland.
Flight Period: Single
brooded in June and July.
Localities: Spanhoe
Wood and Castor Hanglands.
Observations: The
Spanhoe Wood locality is given as a result of a singleton
seen there on 11 July 1990. Castor Hanglands is
historically the most well known site in the county for
the species. It was stated by R. E. M. Pilcher in his
paper, The Lepidoptera of Castor Hanglands and
Ailsworth Heath. 1911 1960. as being common
with the form f. corylaria being particularly
common in the locality. In the mid 1980s the males
could be seen flying at dusk and on 14 July 1986 five
females including two f. corylaria were taken in
actinic traps left overnight. The moth continued to be
seen until 1988 but does not seem to have been noted
since despite attempts to find it. Earlier localities
include Wicken Wood to 1976 and Sywell Wood to 1949.
L.O.N.: 1905.
Barnwell, Sywell, Castor. Sometimes locally abundant.
First Record: 1882,
Hull & Tomalin.