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  Waved Umber Menophra abruptaria  

B&F: 1936

ABH: 70.257

Status:  Resident.

Distribution and Abundance:  Common.

Primary Habitat:  Woodland.

Flight Period:  Single brooded in May.

Observations: The melanic ab fuscata was recorded in Wellingborough in the 1950’s and currently occurs frequently in Northampton. Apart from singletons at New England in the 1980’s and at Pitsford Water in 2003 it has not been noted elsewhere in the county. The Pitsford moth is shown opposite. Fineshade Rothamsted light trap records between 1994 and 1999 show an overall catch of twenty-six typical examples of the species with no melanics being taken.

L.O.N.:  1907. Common.

First Record: 1863, Smith.


Melanic ab. fuscata