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  Small Elephant Hawk-moth Deilephila porcellus  

B&F: 1992

ABH: 69.017

Status: Resident.

Distribution and Abundance: Local.

Primary Habitat: Grassland.

Flight Period: Single brooded in May and June.

Localities: Wellingborough, Sulby Gardens, Collyweston Quarry and Barnack Hills & Holes.

Observations: Although still rather less widespread than formerly, the moth is still locally common as on 10 June 2004 at Barnack Hills & Holes when forty-four were attracted to m.v. light. Old records give much support to the moths’ attraction to the flowers of honeysuckle that it visits at dusk for nectar. Amongst several observations of this habit, an incident is recounted in a note from 1925 when on 2 July 1925 at Weekley Hall Wood a moth was, “taken at a bunch of honeysuckle held in a lady’s hand.”

L.O.N.: 1907. Several localities. Rather common. At treacle and red valerian.

First Record: 1859, Whall.