B&F: 1999
ABH: 71.009
Status: Resident.
and Abundance: Local.
Habitat: Woodland.
Period: Single brooded from May to July.
Localities: Hazelborough
Wood, Pentmore Wood, Longmoor Spinney and Yardley Chase.
Observations: Always
local, the species has contracted its range southwards
and is now only known to occur in south Northants where
it was found to be well established in Hazelborough
Forest in 1991. In 2007 it was taken at light in Longmoor
Spinney just to the south-west of Hazelborough Forest in
SP63 and then in 2009 in Yardley Chase SP85, confirming
the belief that there are other undiscovered colonies in
suitable woodland in the south of the county. All of the
moths that I have seen are of the lighter form and are
sometimes common at light in Hazelborough. It was last
seen in Salcey Forest in 1969 and despite much recording
the record has not been updated. Earlier localities with
dates of last records include:- Bedford Purlieus -
pre 1960, Oundle - 1954, Newton - 1954 and Weekley
Hall Wood -1919.
L.O.N.: Castle
Record: 1841, in a wood near Sudboro,