B&F: 2010
ABH: 71.023
Status: Resident.
and Abundance: Very Local.
Primary Habitat: Woodland.
Flight Period: Single
brooded in April and May.
Localities: Hazelborough
Forest, Yardley Chase and Salcey Forest.
Observations: For
over eighty years the only record of this moth occurring
in the county was of a caterpillar found in 1903 at
Yardley Chase. On following this record up in 1987 the
moth was found to be common there, presumably having been
present over the intervening years. This find effectively
underlines the value of following up old records. The
moth is much more common at Yardley Chase than at Salcey
Forest. On 9 May 2003 a singleton was taken at
Earls Wood in Hazelborough Forest.
L.O.N.: 1903.
Yardley Chase. Once. Reared from larva.
First Record: 1903,