B&F: 2014
ABH: 71.010
Status: Resident.
Distribution and Abundance: Local.
Primary Habitat: Woodland.
Flight Period: Single
brooded in May and June.
Localities: Salcey
Forest, Old Pastures, Horn Wood and Badby Wood.
Observations: Generally
the species has contracted its range southwards and is
now only common in the countys southern woodlands
where sometimes it can be very common as on 31 May 1991
in Hazelborough Wood. It is apparently now absent from
its former stronghold Castor Hanglands where fifty years
ago it was stated to be common and in some years
abundant. It was last seen in Geddington Chase in 1962
where despite many attempts the record has not been
updated. I have seen no melanic forms in the county.
L.O.N.: 1903.
Barnwell Wold, Badby. Uncommon.
First Record: 1892, Wallis