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  Brown-tail Euproctis chrysorrhoea  

B&F: 2029

ABH: 72.012

Status: Resident.

Distribution and Abundance: Local.

Primary Habitat: Woodland.

Flight Period: Single brooded in July and August.

Localities: Yardley Chase, Bozeat, Storefield Quarry and Maxey.

Observations:  Established and recorded annually in the 1930’s and the 1940’s in the Kettering area. In January 2005 a colony of overwintering larvae were observed in communal webs on the Deeping by-pass near to Maxey. In 2006 the larval webs from this colony where found to have spread and moths were taken at light in four new grid squares indicating a further re-establishment of the species in the county

Confusion Species: Yellow-tail

L.O.N.: Undated. Billing, Cogenhoe.

First Record: 1859, Sturgess.