B&F: 2033
ABH: 72.010
Status: Resident.
and Abundance: Rather local.
Primary Habitat: Woodland.
Flight Period: Single
brooded in July and August.
Localities: Old
Pastures, Boughton Park, Short Wood and Castor Hanglands.
Observations: The
moth was common at light on 20 July 1990 under the large
old parkland oaks in Yardley Chase. The more suffused
forms do not seem to occur in the county. Twenty-two examples of the moth were taken at
m.v. light on 23 July 2004 in Badby Wood representing a
typical catch where the species is well established. In
my experience the females of the species are seldom seen
at light.
1907. Near Kettering, Weedon, Geddington Chase,
Yardley Chase. Not uncommon on tree trunks.
First Record:
1859, Sturgess.