B&F: 2061
ABH: 72.019
Status: Resident.
and Abundance: Common.
Primary Habitat:
General Occurrence.
Flight Period:
Single brooded in June and July.
Historically this species seems to have been rather more
common than its congener the White Ermine (S.
lubricipeda), however in more recent times the White
Ermine generally appears to be the more common of the two
species. The main exception to this being in gardens
where the Buff Ermine sometimes can be particularly
plentiful as in a Northampton garden in 2002 when 184
examples were taken at m.v. light. As a contrast,
the Fineshade woodland Rothamsted trap only attracted
twenty-nine examples of the moth over seven years in the
1990s. Although variable, extreme forms do not seem
to have been noted in the county.
L.O.N.: 1907.
Everywhere. Very common.
First Record: 1842, Clark.