B&F: 2069
ABH: 72.031
Status: Resident.
Distribution and Abundance: Common.
Primary Habitat: Grassland.
Flight Period: Single
brooded from May to July.
Observations: Light
trap records from a Wellingborough garden in 1951 show
391 examples of the moth taken from 20 May 1951 to 5
September 1951 with moths at their most common in June
and July. The number of moths taken here is greatly in
excess of numbers seen anywhere currently, possibly due
to greater emphasis on the removal of the main foodplant
common ragwort. At Pitsford Water light traps where
ragwort has been removed on the Reserve since 1992, seven
moths were recorded during 2008 contrasting with the 2003
figure of ninety-one. During the 2008 flight period
Storefield Wood and Quarry was trapped sporadically and
fourteen examples of the species was taken suggesting
that the moth is still common if the ragwort is left. An
example of the rare all black form ab. negrana was
taken in an m.v. light trap at Ashton, this moth was
placed in the Natural History Museum in London.
L.O.N.: 1907.
Many localities. Common.
First Record: 1842,