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  Radford's Flame Shoulder Ochropleura leucogaster  

B&F: 2102a

ABH: 73.330

Status: Migrant.

Distribution and Abundance: Rare.

Primary Habitat: General occurrence.

Flight Period: Late September to November.

Observations: Noted in the UK in West Sussex in October 1983, the moth has been recorded in increasing numbers in recent years. The first VC32 record was of a single moth taken in a garden light trap in Oundle on 9th October 2024. This was during a period of sustained migration activity throughout the UK, with several records of this species appearing on social media, with some from neighbouring counties (inc. Warwickshire, Bedfordshire). The larvae feed on low-growing plants, including trefoils.

L.O.N.: N/A.

First Record: 2024, Horsnail.