B&F: 2183
ABH: 73.243
Status: Resident.
and Abundance: Local.
Primary Habitat: Woodland.
Flight Period: Single
brooded in March and April.
Localities: Hazelborough
Wood, Salcey Forest, Yardley Chase and Fermyn Woods.
Observations: Historically
more widespread in the county and then restricted to south Northants
recently the species appears to have extended its range northwards
once again. The moth prefers areas of open woodland and I well remember
many of our unsuccessful attempts in the 1970s to update records
from some of the old sites such as Castor Hanglands, Bedford Purlieus,
Geddington Chase and Hardwick Wood. In the 1980s caterpillars
were found commonly in Salcey Forest feeding on hawthorn bushes growing
under the oaks prompting searches for larvae in the old localities
that also failed. Over the past few years singletons have been
seen in north Northants and the moth was recorded annually from 2006
to 2009 at m.v. light in Woodnewton. Further evidence of the spread
was obtained in March 2009 when several moths were taken at light
at the moth group trip to Fermyn Woods and then in 2011 by the additional
mapping of four new grid squares.
Confusion Species: Common
L.O.N.: Undated.
First Record: 1900, Kenyon