B&F: 2251
ABH: 73.229
Status: Migrant.
and Abundance: Rare.
Records: 14
October 2001 Moulton (P. Fuller).
The only other possible county record appears on a
list of captures for the years 1942 - 1946 prepared by
Arthur Cooper, the Entomological Section secretary of the
Kettering and District Natural History Society,
presumably in 1947. The moth is stated as being on
Northampton lists. The date of the record is shown as
unknown, but having regard to earlier material it would
have been between 1913 and 1946. It could be that there
was some confusion with Flame Wainscot (S. flammea)
that was not included on this list but present on Hull
& Tomalins nineteenth century Northampton
First Record:
Reported 1947, Cooper.