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  Beaded Chestnut Agrochola lychnidis  

B&F: 2267

ABH: 73.186

Status: Resident.

Distribution and Abundance: Common.

Primary Habitat: General occurrence.

Flight Period: Single brooded in September and October.

Observations: The moth feeds at the flowers of garden buddleias and at ivy bloom and was plentiful at the latter on 8 October 1988 at Collyweston Quarry. It fluctuates wildly in abundance as shown by the Pitsford Water static light trap records over the past decade:- 2000 - 134, 2001 - 38, 2002 - 20, 2003 - 91, 2004 - 40, 2005 - 178, 2006 - 66, 2007 - 10, 2008 - 7 and 2009 - 37. Although prone to melanism, I have seen no melanics in this county.

Confusion Species: Brown-spot Pinion

L.O.N.: 1907. Many localities. Very common.

First Record: 1863, Smith.