B&F: 2274
ABH: 73.182
Status: Resident.
Distribution and Abundance: Common.
Habitat: Woodland.
Period: Single brooded from August to October.
Observations: The
moth can be variable in abundance at light as shown by
the Fineshade Rothamsted trap running in woodland in the
1990s. Viz:- 1993 - 2, 1994 - 0, 1995 - 3, 1996 -
24, 1997 - 15, 1998 - 0 and 1999 - 0. The overall flight
period of these moths was from 23 August to 13 October.
In my experience the minimally marked form ab. flavescens
is rather uncommon in the county.
L.O.N.: 1907.
Several localities. Comes freely to sugar.
Record: 1882, Hull & Tomalin.