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  Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea  

B&F: 2361

ABH: 73.123

Status: Resident.

Distribution and Abundance: Common.

Primary Habitat: General occurrence.

Flight Period: Single brooded from August into October.

Observations: A comparison between the two static 125w. m.v. light traps running at Pitsford Water in 2001 and a single 80w. m.v. light running in a Wellingborough garden fifty years ago in 1951 produces the following data:-
Wellingborough, 173 moths recorded between 5 August and 20 October 1951.
Pitsford, 91 moths recorded between 20 August and 24 October 2001.

L.O.N.: 1907. Several localities. Rather common.

First Record: 1882, Hull & Tomalin.