B&F: 2377
ABH: 73.137
Status: Resident.
and Abundance: Local.
Primary Habitat: Wetland.
Flight Period: Single
brooded in July and August.
Localities: Pitsford
Water, Priors Hall Quarry, Fermyn Woods and Helpston.
Observations: The
species is almost certainly under recorded. Most records
are of moths caught in garden light traps, presumably
wanderers from established colonies. Despite this the
follow up of a 1965 record from Wittering Marsh at the
nearby Whitewater Reservoir was unsuccessful. This site
contains a large expanse of well established reed beds
and is reminiscent of the moths habitat on the Norfolk
Broads. Several m. v. lights were run in the flight
period at the Reservoir over a four year period during
the 1990s without seeing the moth. In 2005 a strong
colony was found to be present in the linear reed bed at
Priors Hall Quarry underlining the moths local
distribution in this county. Although this site is
scheduled for development my understanding is that the
reed bed is to be retained as part of the conservation
plan. The species was taken for the first time as a
singleton in 2002 at Pitsford Water. In the seven years
since it has only been seen in 2006 when six were taken.
L.O.N.: Vict.
First Record: 1882
Hull & Tomalin.