B&F: 2437
ABH: 73.014
Status: Resident.
Distribution and Abundance: Local.
Primary Habitat: Gardens.
Flight Period: Single
brooded in July and August.
Observations: This
species seems to be less common than formerly possibly
due to less of its foodplants, monks-hood and
delphinium, being grown in gardens. There are old records
of second brood moths in September and October but I have
only seen first and presumably single brood moths earlier
in the year in the county. There are also several notes
amongst the records from the first half of the last
century of the moth having been taken feeding at
honeysuckle in Kettering gardens. In the past I have
readily found the caterpillars and yellow silken cocoons
on delphinium plants in the town.
L.O.N.: 1906.
From Castle Ashby to Ashton Wold. Occasional and
First Record: 1905,