B&F: 2484
ABH: 72.061
Status: Resident.
and Abundance: Local.
Primary Habitat: Woodland.
Flight Period: Double
brooded from July to October.
Localities: Salcey
Forest, Pitsford Water, Sulby Gardens and Fineshade.
Observations: Following
the observations mentioned below from around the turn of
the last century there were no further records until the
1960s when a moth was taken at Peterborough. Due to
its small size the moth is easily overlooked and this
factor probably accounts for this lengthy gap between
records rather than its absence in this period. In more
recent times perhaps a sharper lookout has been
maintained for the species and its true distribution
within the county has been better established.
L.O.N.: Undated.
Near Wansford. At sugar and light. Not uncommon.
First Record: 1905,
Wansford, Slater.