Notice Board 2014

Site Images: We are keen to complete the species illustrations on the site, additionally some of the earlier photographs now look below par and could be improved. If anyone has photographs of the species that we have not yet pictured, or clear improvements, and does not mind us using them to fill some of our gaps will they please let the County Macro Moth Recorder John Ward know. Any photographs used will of course be acknowledged.

The up to date grid square coverage map is now available by clicking onto:
Request for Information/Records from the County Recorder

IDENTIFICATION AND NOTICE BOARD ENTRIES: Any member of the group is able to handle identification queries on moths at any of their stages and if in doubt will refer the matter on for a second opinion. At the outset the insect should be retained and a realistic photograph provided to confirm the identity. Due to the limitations sometimes imposed by photographic images of moths it is not always possible to identify difficult species from a photograph alone. Basically there is always a preference for a moth in the hand. Accordingly if there are still doubts the actual insect should then be seen by either Philip Horsnail, Mark Hammond, Pete Sharpe or John Ward who will act as determinators.

In general, at the time of recording we would like to hear of moths that are UK BAP species, new to the county, or are classified on the site as very local, scarce or rare for entry on the notice board. Additionally any exceptional or interesting captures, i.e. very high numbers, species seen months out of season and unusual extremes of variation or melanism etc. will be welcome. Any other records can wait until submission of the annual recorders list. To keep the project within reasonable bounds we will generally only enter the first recording from a locality on the notice board but would appreciate the actual numbers involved at the end of the season.

2014 Records and Notices:

4 December 2014. We received the email request below. Would anyone like to help out please? If so please contact John Ward.
Martin Izzard has kindly passed on your contact details to me as I am interested in arranging a moth trapping event in 2015 as part of a lottery project. Please could you advise if this would be something you could do in Abington Park, Northampton and how much you normally charge for holding this kind of event.
Kindest Regards,
Sara Jones

23 September 2014. One Dotted Rustic R. simulans taken in a garden m.v. light trap by Nick Smith at Woodnewton (TL09). The second successive year that the moth has been taken in this garden.

27 August 2014. One White Point M. albipuncta recorded at m.v. light in a Kingsthorpe garden (SP76) and a single Butterbur H. petasitis at m.v. light at the known locality of Brampton Crossing (SP76) by Pete Sharpe.

22 August 2014. One mainly white Brimstone O. luteolata recorded by Derek Larkin at Irchester Country Park (SP96) by Derek Larkin. A rare form of this species.

13 August 2014. One Butterbur H. petasitis recorded at m.v. light in a Kingsthorpe garden (SP76) by Pete Sharpe. A new locality for the species.

28 July 2014. One Bedstraw Hawk-moth H. gallii found at rest on a sheet next to a garden m.v. light trap in Old Stratford (SP74) by Andy Harding.

22 July 2014. One Yarrow Pug E. millefoliata recorded at m.v. light in a Kingsthorpe garden (SP76) by Pete Sharpe.

18 July 2014. One Kent Black Arches M. albula recorded in a garden m.v. light trap by Nick Smith at Woodnewton (TL09). The second county record, updating the 2008 recording also at this site.

10 July 2014. One Sharp-angled Carpet E. unangulata found near to an m.v. light trap run overnight in a Thrapston garden (SP97) by Mark Hammond. A new grid square record for this uncommon moth.

14 June 2014. One Blood-vein T. comae f. nigra recorded in a Pitsford garden (SP76) by Angus Molyneux. This is a rare melanic form.

13 June 2014. One Scarlet Tiger C. dominula recorded at m.v. light in a Kingsthorpe garden (SP76) by Pete Sharpe. Evidence that the species is spreading within the county.

19 May 2014. One Netted Pug E. venosata recorded at m.v. light in a Woodnewton garden (TL09) by Nick Smith

19 May 2014. One Devon Carpet L. otregiata recorded at m.v. light at Yardley Chase (SP85) by Pete Sharpe. The second county record of the moth, also recorded by Pete.

25 March 2014. Mischa Furfaro, who is the Reserve Officer recording the macro-moths at Pitsford Water is conducting a survey this season to try to establish the number of re-captures occurring at the two moth traps operating on the site. The survey has started this week with Common Quaker, Small Quaker, Twin-spotted Quaker, Hebrew Character and Clouded Drab marked with red or green ink dots on the forewing. If anyone comes across one of these marked moths would you please let John Ward know at giving the date and locality and he will pass the information on to Mischa, thanks. NB: From 10 April the moths will be marked with numbers.

26 March 2014. Some moth species are difficult to identify due to the similarity of their external features which are virtually identical. It is therefore not considered safe to record them without examination of the genitalia. Such species are usually aggregated under the first named moth in the complex. To recognise this we have created a provisional list of aggregated species for which genitalia preparations have not been performed. Please see the following for further information:-
Dark Dagger  Acronicta tridens, Grey Dagger  Acronicta psi, Dark/Grey Dagger agg.  Acronicta tridens/psi.
Marbled Minor (O. strigilis), Tawny Marbled Minor (O. latruncula), Rufous Minor (O. versicolor),  Marbled Minor agg.  Oligia strigilis agg.
Common Rustic  Mesapamea secalis, Lesser Common Rustic (M. didyma), Common Rustic agg.  Mesapamea secalis agg.